Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sandy Bottom Nature Trail

As far as I can remember, this was Jonah's first "hike". He hasn't been in his baby backpack since last October. I don't think he remembered how much he liked it... he kinda freaked out when I hoisted him in the pack up onto my back. But he soon chilled, realizing that he will likely be spending many hours perched in this pack in the months to come
Although I have been backpacking too many times to count, this is by far the lightest pack I have ever carried. Still, its a bit tricky toting an almost one year old who likes to lean to one side for most of the trip. It was fun to hear him chatting to himself and anyone else who would listen (i.e. me) right by my ear. We had the trail to ourselves. To my delight, we saw and heard red-winged blackbirds and robins. We did not see the loon that I read was sometimes spotted here, but oh well.
This is Honeoye lake, looking south from the north end, where Sandy Bottom park is. Bristol mountain can be seen in the distance, with snow still covering the ski trails, but it was pushing 60 while we were out.

I can only assume Jonah enjoyed our trek. He also enjoyed a taste of my Shamrock shake that we got from McDonald's to celebrate St. Patty's day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jonah's tricks

For some reason, Jonah likes to point randomly now. I mean he points to pictures in his books, his favorite being a penguin in a board book called "Brrrr". But recently he just points randomly and I think its stinkin adorable. I also think he looks like such a big boy in this picture. What is happening to my BABY!!!! Some other tricks:
1. He can sign "more", especially when he wants more of his little puff treats
2. He claps when you say "clap hands". This gesture looks just like "more", but its in a different context.
3. He says "up" after I ask him if he wants to be picked up
4. He whispers "hi"... usually he does this best when talking to himself in the mirror
5. Waving...when he feels like it.
6. Crawling... everywhere and FAST
7. Pulling up on anything

8.Playing with toys on his Kohl's box

9. Trying to make a kitty sound

10. Imitating letters and sounds. He usually does this in the bathtub with his bath letters. He is especially good at X, P, S, Z, and J. Oh and he also likes to eat the letters.

11. Sleeping. Yes, praise the Lord, now Jonah can SLEEP!!!